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Chef, Chauffer, and...Nurse? Parents Do it All!

Our Sunday morning was busy with getting kids ready for church, my husband finishing a talk he was giving, breakfast, and…a busted open chin. My son fell off the barstool as he was climbing down and hit chin just right. We didn’t even notice the bleeding at first but then looked under his chin and saw the opening. It wasn’t huge but one of those maybe it needs stitches, how much is it bleeding, or are we fine type of moments. Since it wasn't huge, deep, or bleeding too much I decided it just needed a little more TLC and he should be fine. I cleaned it up, put this liquid bandage on it, a butterfly bandage to pull it together and then a larger one to protect it. It has been two days and it seems to be working great just keep cleaning it and replacing the bandages. It’s always so hard to know what you need to go to the doctor for or what can be handled at home so I’m not here to say this will fix everything but I have loved this liquid bandage for cuts in hard places or to keep the s

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