10 Low Cost Summer Ideas for the Family


I feel like there is so much pressure now a days to have these extravagant
summers with plans all the time and always topped off with eating out and treats. Well I'm taking it back. Here are 10 fun ideas for your family to do this summer for little or no cost:

1. Pickleball-this has been a fun new sport for our family. Pickleball sets are inexpensive on Amazon or even borrow from a neighbor.

2. Swimming-find the local ponds, reservoirs or even splash pads. We have loved taking out paddleboards but just floaties and a swimsuit are all that are necessary.

3. Bike ride!

4. Movie night-make it fun by the kids making tickets and selling popcorn for fake money.

5. Library-grab some books or there are always great prog
rams like art or lego clubs.

6. Discover a new park.

7. Parades-look to see when your city or neighboring cities have their city days and check out the fun markets and parades. They almost always have free treats and prizes the kids love.

8. Zoo or museum-yes this one is not usually cheap but...they have free days. Look in your state for when they have free days and put it on your calendar. The trick is to go early before it gets too busy. 

9. Go hiking-find a cool waterfall, a gorgeous view, or some tall trees. Great and easy way to get outside.

10, Picnic-this is one of my favorite things to do to make an outing fun. Bring a long a cooler or even just snacks to a park, hike, field, whatever and have a great time!

More than anything don't overthink it or think believe that you have to spend a ton of money. You got this!


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